Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Graphics.  Graphics and illustration have totally shaped my own culture. I have always loved how a great aesthetic can improve a product by itself or simply make it cooler, and also how beautiful and expressive illustrations can be.

I started around 2007. A friend of mine asked me to join to one of her forums. I downloaded Phoshop CS2, and the fun started. I began reading (and watching) tutorials and trying to improve my skills. I joined to bigger communities and soon got sort of a type of "popularity" among the rest of the members. It motivated me so much, and I kept me trying to improve my own technique.

Now, I just try working on graphics (digital artwork) on my free time, collaborating with an amazing comunity: Hysterical Minds... where I try to give my best on every exhibition. They actually just released a book, and they feature some of my work there (I just can't wait to get that book in my hands :3).

How has it shaped my own culture? I believe that art is an important part of life, and I actually enjoy a lot to appreciate it. My life would be incomplete without it. However, I don't feel like working on it my whole time, since it would turn out as a routine, and would lose the fun part. That's why I keep it as a hobby and I try to enjoy it as much as I can during my free time.

We are passing through the time of predominance of design. Nothing could be profitable if it's image is not properly presentated or with a good aesthetic. I enjoy participating on it... and I know it can take me further.

If you want, you can check some of my artworks in my portfolio. The following are some of my favorite ones:



  1. Hey! Nice artworks :) I really like them..

    It's cool to know that many people consider art as something really important in their lives. I do, and I enjoy every single minute I spend on it.
    So, it was really nice to read your blog post because I see that you love to do this, and I share the same feeling but, for music.

    1. Thanks a lot for your comment! I'm pretty much sure that anyone who has been close to some type of art once, just cannot get apart from it.
