Monday, March 11, 2013

Afro Colombians

Afrolatinos have had to pass through a lot of difficulties, being subject of racism in many latin countries. The opportunities that are given to them are way less than the ones given to the rest of the society.It seems like Afrocolombians - costeños, specifically- are victims of this mistreatment too.

In the Colombia's Caribbean Coast, is really common to find afrocolombians all across the streets, in the supermarket, in schools, etc. However, they are treated as if they were "less" than the others. People consider that being called "negro" is an offense, refering to other adjetives like "stupid" or "slow". Even if afrocolombians have shown that they are pretty much the same than everybody else, people keep following stereotypes while refering to them.


  1. We're not the same and that's the magic of being alive. In fact, we can find very different black communities all around the world, every one of them with different traditidions and believes. Here in Latin America we're all half "negros" thanks to the wild interracial sex, ha ha ha... ok, I'm very proud of being almost "negra", it's an important part of my roots.

    1. Hi Geraldine! I probably expressed myself wrong. For "pretty much the same" I meant that we are equal in rights and abilities, not personalities as individuals.

      And yeah, we are all half "negros" haha. Thanks for checking my blog!

  2. It is true, that iven in this days, many years later of the slave, poeple still have steotypes about afrocolombians. So i agree with you in this case, because the discrimination and racism is still affecting the personal relations between differents goups of people. In the case of Afrolatinos for example, they have shown, that have the same capacities ad actittudes that the anyone else. And in my opinion they are a impotant part in the histoy of the culture of latinamerica. =)

    1. Yes, David. I agree with you. They are mistreated, while they actually play an important part of our history.

      Thanks for passing around :D

  3. It´s really sad, in spite of the "modernity" people still have a primited mind, we talk all the time about the racism and how wrong it is, but if someone call us "negro" as you said, we get mad and consider the fact of being afro as negative

    1. Yes, you are totally correct. People consider being called "negro" is a really bad thing, even if it's just working as a nickname
